Related post: Lunar Eclipse Monday (Free post)
Related post: Lunar Eclipse Rite (Paid susbscribers)
Ahh, it’s finally arrived, the day of the solar eclipse. I saw Bill Nye the Science Guy say there is no supernatural eafect from an eclipse. I agree, there’s no supernatural affect. The affects are entirely natural.
Filming the eclipse without the proper filter can damage your camera or phone camera.
An eclipse is a matter of shadows and light. In a solar eclipse, the moon passes between the sun and the earth, so the shadow of the moon blocks the sun from reaching us and the sun appears to go dark. The shadow (from our perspective) is smaller than the full circumference of the sun, so there’s an or outline of light around the shadow’s outer edge, and we can see the corona (with proper eye protection.)
Looking at the solar eclipse without the proper eyewear can damage your eyesight forever.
But I like to talk about the nonphysical. And we know that everything physical has a nonphysical counterpart. Therefore it’s impossible for such a huge event to go unfelt in the astral.
As above, so below
As within, so without
Everything we encounter is very much like a fractal. A fractal is an image where every part of the image contains the whole image. Watch this video. It explains the core notion of fractals, which are the deeper meaning of As above, so below. As within, so without. Watch to the end, it’s filled with meaning, and it’s only three minutes long.
Shadows and light are parts of the physical world. What’s true for one part of the physical world is true for all parts.
And we mystics know the physical world is a projection of non-physical energies.
So then how do we apply these things to enhance our understanding of the energy of an eclipse?
Well let’s look at all the symbolism here. Nature doesn’t hide things from us. She goes out of her way to show us what’s what. She tries to make it obvious. All we have to do is look. When we experience an eclipse, what are we seeing?
Eclipses come in pairs that are the same, yet opposite
When moon circles to the dark side of the earth, and the sun is directly opposite, those viewing the moon see a lunar celipse as the moon passes through the earth’s shadow, cast by the sun. When the moon circles to the sunny side, two weeks later, those of us within its path see a solar eclipse, as the moon’s shadow passes in front of the sun, blocking its light from earth’s perspective.
The same, yet opposite. Opposite ends of the same thing. On one end we have the presence of something, on the other end, the absence of something, and within each, the seed/cause/source/reflection/shadow of the other.
I don’t know about you, but I could meditate on the meaning of all that for a month. I don’t know if I’d fully get it even then, but it’s fun to try.
I know there are lessons in this for me. The enemy is my opposite, and yet the same consciousness gives life to us both.
This is one lesson of the eclipse.
The appearance of darkness is merely a shadow blocking the light
In truth there’s no source of darkness. There’s only light and absence of light, opposite sides of the same thing. Absence of light contains light. It must, because there can be no shadow without light to cast it. The light is always there. Nightfall is when our backs are turned toward the light. Shadow is when something get between us and the light.
These are both within our control, as they apply to our life experience. Turning our backs to the light is the act of spending all our focus on the problem, complaining about it, and worrying about it. Turning toward the light is the act of turning toward what warms us, what lights us up, what brings us joy. When we face the light, we allow the solutions to flow. But we must turn away from the problem.
When something is blocking us from the light, it is always something we’ve created. There’s nothing in our lives that we haven’t tuned in. There’s nothing on my TV right now that isn’t playing on the chosen channel. I am not seeing Disney movies on MSNBC. It’s doesn’t work that way.
So everything in our lives is something with a vibration that we have somehow matched or harmonized with. For most, this happens without intent. Their energy bounces around in reaction to whatever is happening at the moment. But when we have intent, when we deliberately choose to spend our time celebrating what we have, rather than yearning for what we don’t, we tune in more of the good things.
Whatever is blocking the light is there because we have allowed it to be there. And we can stop allowing it by getting our attention off it and putting our attention on something better. Attention is like superglue.
Turn away from what’s blocking the light. Take whatever positive action you can, and then refuse to notice it or worry about it again. Release it by releasing thoughts of it, conversations about it. Release it by no longer lying in bed at night replaying it in your mind and obsess over something wonderful instead.
As soon as you do, the light you’re now focused upon streams in bright, and the shadow fades away. It was only there to show you where to aim the light anyway.
To me, the eclipse brings a big global shift
A little bit political, so skip this paragraph if you don’t like that
I feel strongly this eclipse reflects a moment of revelation. Veils are removed. Shadows are illuminated. Knowledge is increased. Understanding is deepened. Evolution is accellerated. A corner is turned. A new level is reached. Secrets are revealed. A bright spotlight beams into our darkest corners.
This is on a global scale. In the US specifically, I think the improving economy is finally going to be felt by everyday people. Incomes are now rising faster than the rate of inflation. Unemployment is at a 50-year low.
I think cover-ups, conspiracies, and corruption will be exposed far more convincingly than they have been up to now. I mean for most of us it’s been pretty convincing already, but some need still more light. I fully expect the US elections to be a solid win for Biden/Harris, for women’s rights, for choice, for voting rights, for LGBTQ+ rights, and crucially, for the planet (finally!) because the theme of the year is light overtaking darkness.
In fact, the very existence of the Trump era has been a sort of an eclipse, hasn’t it? And wasn’t the last major eclipse pair back in 2017, the very year he took office? Briefly, the light was hidden. But the shadow is moving on now. I’m going out on a limb and saying we’re heading out of that shadow. I think he’s going to be revealed in the full light of the sun, and we’ll be able to get on with the business of preserving the existence of our species.
I’m fascinated to see if I’m right. But an eclipse his first year, and one again this year seems to me like the parentheses bracketing this period. And you don’t put the second parenthesis in until the clause is complete. Trump is eclipsing out of the public eye or out of politics or out in some other way.
What to expect personally
There’s going to be an unfurling, an unfolding in our lives. Something breaks through, something moves beyond previous blocks that had been holding it back. We learn things, maybe about others, probably about ourselves. Light shines where it didn’t before.
I feel like our personal lives have been in shadow as well, in a lot of ways. Certainly in my own family our darkest times ever have been contained within this period. The time frame between the August 2017 eclipse and the curernt eclipse, included a pandemic, for heaven’s sake. Times have been rough. For everyone.
I feel like breakthroughs, aha moments, revelations, and answers to longstanding questions are all possibilities. We’re moving out of the shadow we’ve been under since 2017.
It feels like an elevator that’s locked from going beyond the tenth floor, has unlocked access to all floors in an infinitely tall building. The glass ceiling is broken, the locks are unlocked, and we can resume our upward trajectory which was so rudely interrupted.
I have a hundred more metaphors. The car that was out of gas gets a tankful. The starter’s pistol has fired. The roackblock is removed. The dam is broken.
In short (too late) I’m expecting good things.
Look beyond perceived limitations
I think it can be challenging to look past our own perceived limitations. There’s been a cap right there for so long, we can’t quite imagine moving past it. But this is the time, this coming week it begins. We’ll rise even more powerfully in May, after Mercury has returned to direct status.
This is the time when we will find ways to shatter the old limits.
Just look at what is happening even now with women’s basketball. For decades they’ve been playing and being all but ignored, but suddenly, the sky’s the limit. They’re outdoing the men. Caitlin Clark just broke the NCAA points record for women, and then she broke he men’s record, and she’s still playing!
Old limits are removed. Get ready to soar!
That was a very needed hopeful post.
Oh, Maggie, I hope you're right about this one!
"I think he’s going to be revealed in the full light of the sun, and we’ll be able to get on with the business of preserving the existence of our species."
From your fingers to the universe!