How to Change Reality
I was watching a program the other day, Weird Or What? on the Discovery Channel, about an indigenous tribe from I forget where, who run everywhere they go. Scientists studying them (naturally scientists had to study them) discovered that they run, on average, well over 200 miles a day. The young, the old, the kids, all of them. Barefoot, for the most part. And science wonders how on earth this is possible, and they speculate about genetics and evolution and joint strength and so on.
But I think the answer is far, far simpler. They can run 200 miles a day with ease, because no one ever told them they couldn’t. No one told them it was impossible. No one told them it was even unusual, or that it ought to be really hard!
They didn’t believe there was anything at all odd about running all that distance all the time, because no one had told them so. They just did it. The children saw the growups doing it, so it clearly was The Way, and so they did it.
That’s how powerful our beliefs are.
So that makes me wonder, what if no one had ever told me . . .
That metabolism slows after menopause…
That skin loses its elasticity after 35…
That women past thirty shouldn’t wear ___…
That chocolate is fattening….
Would any of it be true?
Can changing beliefs change reality?
Thank goodness I was too young and too naive to have “learned” that you can’t be a writer unless you’ve gone to college. I’ve been making a living as a writer for 30 years now, and I’ve only been going to college for a few months. Phew! Close call.
I knew I could write. I’d always known it, the same way I know my name and that I love dogs. It’s a part of who I am. But thank goodness nobody told me I couldn’t. (Although that probably would have made me even more determined.)
What we believe on that deep a level resonates like the peal of a bell, and all the other music that harmonizes with its song are drawn into it, creating the symphony that is our lives.
For most of us, the beliefs that hold us back are the ones that are so real and normal we don’t even recognize them as beliefs. But we can. We can begin to pay more attention, and catch those thoughts when they run through our minds at random moments. Thoughts about our limitations. Thoughts that begin with, “I could never…” and “I’m terrible at...” and “I can’t afford to…” and “I don’t have time to…” and “I’m not smart enough to…” and “I’m not strong enough to…” Any thought of limitation is a spotlight, showing us a belief that is holding us back.
Once we recognize one of these limiting beliefs, it’s time to start changing it.
Overwriting the file
So to change a belief isn’t as hard as one might think. And I’ve broken it down into simple, actionable steps.
Decide on the new and improved belief that will replace the limiting belief. We can’t just zap a belief into oblivion. We have to overwrite it with a new belief. (Sometimes its eerie how much we are like computer programs.) Usually, the new belief should be the old belief’s opposite. “I’m terrible at math” becomes, “I can learn math,” and then “I’m learning math,” and then, “This isn’t as hard as I thought,” and finally, “I’m pretty good at math.”
So the first step is to decide what we would rather believe, and start inserting it into our inner monologue every time the old belief pops up.To solidify the new belief as a belief, instead of just a wish, immediately begin searching for evidence to support the new belief. We can think about every time in the past we were ever good at math. We can look around our lives at all the areas in which we had to use math and did so without even thinking about it.
We can start putting the new belief into practice. Get a book, take a class, or download a math app to help us and to show ourselves that we can do math.The more examples we find of the the preferred belief, the more we will believe it. And the more we believe it, the more proof of it we will find. The more we believe in it, the truer it will become, and the truer it becomes, the more we’lll believe in it.
This can work for any subject: money, a lover, a home, a job. Just remember, it’s only real because we believed it into being in our reality, and we can believe anything we don’t like, out of being in our reality just as easily, by overwriting it with a better belief.
What has really happened?
Did I conjure a lover (or math skills) out of thin air in a flash of purple smoke and glitter? Of course not. The only thing that changes in this process is ourselves. I change from the version of me who cannot have, do, or be ____ to the version of me who has, does, and is ____.
The word “Wicca” is thought to derive from the Old English word wicce, which means to bend or to shape. (Rhys) In natural magic, we bend and shape ourselves, shifting from one version of us to the next, evolving in real time and by deliberate will and intent, rather than by chance as muggles do.
We don’t have to bounce randomly through life hoping to catch a break. We can idenitify the core beliefs that hold us where we no longer wish to be, and then we can overwrite them with new beliefs that empower and uplift us all the way to the next level.
What we are doing with this exercise is changing our vibration. Changing the energy pattern that is continually emanating from us. The electromagetic field emitted by humans is measureable and real, not to mention that we area constantly emitting a low level, infra-red radiation, (Quora) and likely other energies yet to be measured. The strength and frequency of these energy fields can be affected by our emotions, mental state, physical health, and default attitude. The energy we emanate serves as our interface with the physical world, both as a beacon and a magnet. They seek out and attract matching and harmonizing wavelengths, which become the threads of the tapestry of our lives.
Identify the flawed belief. Choose the improved belief. Start looking for evidence to support the new belief. Journal every crumb of evidence you find! You’ll find it already in your life in many shapes and forms, and you’ll find more evidence of it flowing into your life, drawn by the very act of you looking for it.
What we explore, expect, and enjoy grows, expands, and thrives.
What we ignore, forget, and replace, withers, dies, and falls away.
Quora. “How the Human Body Creates Electromagnetic Fields.” Forbes, Accessed 31 Mar. 2024.
Rhys, Dani. “Wiccan Symbols and Their Meanings.” Symbol Sage, 24 Sept. 2021,
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