The Stillness of Winter & a Pine Cone Spell
Winter is a time of stillness, and the Winter Solstice seems the epitome of absolute stillness. Which to me translates as absolute presence.
As above, so below. As within, so without.
As does nature, so does humanity.
Humans are a part of nature, after all. Children of the Earth. We thrive when we live in harmony with natural cycles, so it stands to reason we might seek to emulate the silence of winter in ourselves.
Stillness of the body means resting, good sleep, ceasing activity for a little while. It means being very comfortable and motionless and releasing all tension from the muscles.
Stillness of the mind means a cessation of our usual racing thoughts. Those thoughts are always about the past or the future—about something that happened in a time that no longer exists, or something that might happen in a time that does not yet exist.
Stillness of mind eliminates all worry, all regret, all stress, and as a result, brings us into the present moment. We can achieve it through meditation, but we can also achieve it through being immersed in the moment.
The message of Winter's silence is absolute presence.
In that presence we seek and find appreciation for all that is so very very good, right here, right now. But also, we relax into gracious acceptance of all of it. Everything in our life, just as it is. We sit in comfortable understanding that it’s all just experience adding to the Whole and firing our imaginations to create more and better and better and better. Everything has purpose. Experience is the fuel of evolution and the clay of creation. It's the stuff of life itself. Experience is, in fact, Living.
My focus from now until Solstice night will be on blissful presence, on being absolutely content with all that is right here, right now. I'll be basking in the blissful parts (there are so many!) and appreciating the growth I take from the parts I wish to improve.
After Solstice, I’ll turn my attention fully toward what I want to create in the coming year, but only after fully observing and appreciating what is right now. I don't want to move on from a moment until I've milked every ounce of joy from it. That's what moments are for.
Solstice Night
Winter Solstice itself is the night of transition. Appreciation of what is culminates and naturally transitions into launching new desires and goals I will manifest in the new year.
And it is that, a new solar year. The longest night, the shortest day. The Winter Solstice represents the dying of the old sun. On the very next day, December 22nd, the sun is reborn. That day will be the slightest bit longer than the one before, the following night, a tiny bit shorter.
And the wheel turns. And the world is renewed.
This year the Winter Solstice also known as the festival of Yule falls on December 21st.
Some Winter Solstice Magic: The Pine Cone Spell
You’ll need:
*2 pine cones whose “petals” have spread. If the petals are tight, bring your pine cones in where it’s warm for a week or two before using. They will spread as the pine cones dry.
*Several slender strips of paper, leaves, or reeds you can write on.
*A pen or pencil.
*A fireplace or a cauldron and an open area to burn things.
The Ritual
Relax your body and quiet your mind. Be fully present in the moment.
Hold a pine cone between your palms. Feel its energy and let it feel yours. Thank it for being a part of your magic.
Write down something that is now on a slip of paper or leaf, and say aloud the blessings it brings. Really feel the joy of this part of your life it in your heart. Then roll the paper or leaf up tight, and tuck it into the pine cone, between the petals.
As you roll the paper, chant the charm;
Still as winter snow
Deep as solstice night
I am here and now
All is calm and bright
I love my life.
Repeat this process with multiple parts of your life and multiple slips of paper or leaves until you can’t think of any more or fit anymore into the pine cone. By now you should be just brimming with appreciation and joy in your life as it is.
You are ready for the second pine cone.
Hold the pine cone between your palms. Feel its energy and let it feel yours. Thank it for being a part of your magic.
Write something you wish for in the year ahead on a slip of paper or leaf, and say aloud the blessings it will bring. Really feel in your heart the way you will feel when this wish comes true. Then roll the paper or leaf up tight, and tuck it into the pine cone, between the petals.
As you roll the papers, you can say:
Pure as winter snow
Bright as newborn sun
My desires grow
All my wishes come
So mote it be!
Repeat with multiple wishes and multiple papers or leaves until you can't think of anymore or until you can't fit anymore in the pine cone. Ground and center when finished.
Burn these pine cones in your fireplace on the night of the Winter Solstice to release the magic. Do this in a state of stillness and absolute presence, blissfully basking in what is and joyfully, confidently eager for what is to come.
As they burn, you can chant:
Still as winter snow
Deep as solstice night
I am here and now
All is calm and bright
Pure as winter snow
Bright as newborn sun
My desires grow
All my wishes come
So mote it be!