The Magical Power of Distraction
There’s a method I’m using with great success at the moment, the method of distraction, which is a form of magic all its own. A person who is lying in a sick bed thinking about their illness, is going to suffer every bit of that illness. A person on a roller coaster is not going to feel any part of his illness. Unless he gets motion sickness, in which case… Okay maybe that’s a bad example. Did you ever notice that a great movie or book can make you forget you had a headache? Or time laughing with friends is so good that you later notice you didn’t think of your achy foot once the whole time?
Crap abounds
There is a lot of anger out there in the atmosphere right now. Anywhere you look there’s anger to be seen. It’s online and on TV and among your friends and family. Everybody’s mad. As soon as you notice anger in one place, you see it in ten others, right?
That’s okay. That’s just Law of Attraction giving you more of what gets your attention. It works a lot like a Facebook algorithm. The kinds of things you respond to are kinds of things you will see more of. Doesn’t matter if the response is a like or a love or a hate or a hug.
It’s the same way in life.
Well being abounds more
So there’s a lot of anger out there for you to tap into. You know what there’s more of out there? Way, way, more of? Like a gazillion times more of? Well being. Goodness. Everything’s okay-ness. Things working the way they’re supposed to-ness.
Do you know how many things have to go exactly, precisely right for grass to grow? For rivers to flow? For tides to change with the phases of the moon? For life to even exist on this planet at all? Zillions upon zillions of things! All of them going exactly, precisely, perfectly right. And because of that, we can take a nice deep lungful of air, and it will nurture our bodies with life giving oxygen. And we can put our bare feet on solid ground because we have Earth, and not a planet of molten stone or mercury seas, or a gas giant. All life that has ever lived forms our soil. It sustains us.
So much is right. So very much is going right. Way ore than is going wrong.
Did I distract you? ?
Maybe for a minute. But a minute isn’t enough. We need to find ways to shut off the noise coming at us from all directions multiple times per day. We need to be present where and when we are. In the moment. The more frequently we can stop what we’re doing for just a minute or two, to just BE where we are, take a few deep breaths, appreciate our body and our surroundings, the better we’ll feel.
We need our homes to be our havens. We need to not bring the noise in. Make sacred spaces where no news or political discourse is allowed. The bedroom, maybe.
We can also set stress free hours, when we just turn away from the chaos by turning inward, toward our bliss.
We need quiet times and blissful spaces now more than ever before.
The outdoors I took the computer outside today, seeking a distraction from the anger coming through my TV screen for a little while. It was also good distraction from the noise coming through the internet. No signal outside. All I can do is write.
I moved my lawn table into the shadiest spot, near the water feature my husband just built. The sound of laughing water soothes my Aquarian soul. It’s breezy and cloudy, upper 70s. There’s a wind chime in the tree behind me, a great big one with deep, resonant tones. The breeze has it singing like it’s calling Maria Von Trapp to Vespers. I’m comfortable in shorts and t-shirt and bare feet. My feet are bare all summer long.
My bulldog is lying in some fresh dirt to the right of the waterfall. The landscaping around it isn’t finished, and she wishes it never would be. She has dug a perfectly bulldog-shaped depression into the fresh dirt, and she can lie there in its coolness and nap for hours as long as I don’t go too far away. She is literally my side kick.
It’s very peaceful out here. This is a pocket of bliss for me. For whatever time I spend “working” here, my soul is healing. I am tuned in to nature and to my Higher Self. I am basking and present. This is the healthiest habit I could nurture.
We can’t be outside all the time
But I am finding good distractions. And I’ve discovered that’s all it takes to easily pivot away from a negative vibration and adjust myself up higher on the dial.
Another way I’ve distracted myself is with projects. You can take up any project that will be fun for you. The fun is key. Sentencing yourself to cleaning out the attic is distracting yourself from one nightmare with another one. Unless cleaning attics is a passion of yours. But truly, choose something that excites you. Start a new hobby or restart an old one. Spend time doing things you have to do anyway, but make them fun and new somehow.
I have been rearranging all the merchandise in the Bliss Shop’s little headquarters here in my home. Changing a room around is a really exciting way to stir things up and jump start the energy.
I took a break the other day and just made chocolate chip cookies for no reason at all.
Another day, I was working in the garden and found a whole pile of ripe tomatoes. I picked them all, and the peppers too, bought them inside, washed and chopped and peeled veggies, poured it all into a big pot and cooked and cooked and cooked. When it got nice and thick, I tagged the hubs and told him “You take it from here.” He wound up making a delicious pot of chili that lasted three meals. Mmm!
The other night, I spent a happy half hour coloring in one of my multiple grown-up coloring books. (The term “adult coloring books” makes them sound like porn, am I right?)
Organize the bookshelf or the spice rack. Wash the woodwork. Paint or sculpt or knit or play your instrument. Just come up with small, short distractions that feel good while you’re doing them. Not only will you end up feeling better, but you end up with completed projects that make life more fun. Win-win.
More important than ever!
Butterfly bushes: They really work!
I’ve been meditating every single morning. I go outside most days. If I don’t do it first thing, I do it before noon. I just made the decision that it’s important for me. I’ve pushed it way up high on my priority list. No matter what else I do with my day, it will include meditation.
I had let my practice slide for a couple of weeks, and I noticed it. I was waking up grouchy and getting grouchier as the days progressed. And other things started happening, too. Streams of well being seemed to be getting dammed up in many areas.
So I forced myself to resume my mediation practice even though I had become grouchy and didn’t feel like it. With the very first session, my vibe came back up to where it belongs. I didn’t do a guided thing, no music, nothing. Just a comfy chair, a nearby stream for white noise, and a 20 minute timer. Every morning. No matter what.
And the healthy flow of well being into our lives has resumed.
We tend to forget...
Our reason for becoming 7.6 billion individuals was to enjoy the widest possible range of experience. It’s the experience we came for. We’re supposed to be sucking this up, relishing it, giving our souls an unforgettable ride. And yes, assisting in the ever expanding evolution of our species, spiritual as well as physical.
Change comes slow. It’s maddening. And it’s upsetting that there are so many disconnected, hateful humans sharing our planet. But we have to remember they are also Source energy poured into a physical body. And that the pain of the disconnection the ornery ones are suffering is some of the worst there is. It’s so unbearable it can’t be contained, and gets spewed out in the form of hatred.
And we want to fight against ignorance and hate, but better that we do so by pushing FOR openness and love. And we can only do that from a place of alignment. And we can only get aligned if we take our focus off the problems, and find pockets of bliss wherever we can. And then sally forth and put our focus ON the solutions, the ideas, the answers that are raining down in response to our fellow humans’ loud and urgent asking.
Look for it, and we’ll find it there.
Until next time, Maggie
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