What’s the Bliss Blog all about?
I am novelist Maggie Shayne, and I’ve been a studying and practicing Wicca and natural magic for almost thirty years, and Law of Attraction for about twenty.
Natural magic is the craft of creating change in accordance with will.
Law of Attraction is the force that makes magic work.
Like gravity, the force of attraction simply exists. Doesn’t matter if we believe in it or not, it is always exerting its energy on us, just like gravity is. We cannot step off a rooftop and fall up. We cannot surround ourselves in negativity and experience a positive life. It’s the same.
Getting the lives, things, and experiences we want really isn’t about anything more than tuning them in.
Here’s how
The magic of making a thing manifest in our lives is the magic of vibration. When we have our TV tuned to CNN, we cannot expect to see an episode of Yellowstone. We can only see what’s playing on the channel we’ve tuned in.
Life works the same we. When we’re worrying about “problems” (no such thing) we are tuning to the problem station. When we are focused on all the things that are wrong, we’re aiming our antenna, and the only thing we can tune in is wrong, wrong, wrong. Problem, problem, problem. We cannot experience anything else while we are tuned in to the troubles channel. It’s all they play there.
Change the Channel
The way to shift our vibration, aka change the channel, is to focus on how we think we’re going to feel when this thing we want, arrives. Visualize it so clearly that we can feel those emotions right now. Then, spend our days on the lookout for other things already in our lives that give us that same feeling. And when we find one, wrap it around us and wallow in it. Bask in it. Celebrate it. Feel the feelings.
As we focus more on what we do want and less on what we don’t, more on the great stuff already in our life than on what we think we lack, more on what’s going right than what’s going wrong, our energy will shift. Things we’ve been wanting will start popping into existence all around us.
For me, the things that shimmer into reality often feel like they were there the whole time, and I just couldn’t see them. In fact, that’s almost always the case.
Up Your Default Setting
Think about how you usually feel. When nothing’s particularly wonderful but nothing’s terribly wrong, how do you feel? What’s your default attitude on a normal, ordinary day? Getting that attitude, whatever it is, to a lighter, higher, more upbeat level, is our life’s work. Everything we live is meant to help us figure out how to do this.
Exercises to Tune-In
The Complaint-Free World Challenge.
From Will Bowen
Get yourself a bracelet. Make it an elastic one, or any kind that’s very easy on and easy off, because you’re probably going to be moving it a lot. Anytime you catch yourself complaining about anything, move the bracelet to your opposite wrist. It doesn’t matter if you are complaining out loud to others, or online, or in email, or in letters, or in postcards, or in your blog, or even if you’re just talking or thinking your complaints to yourself. The goal is to go 21 straight days without having to move the bracelet. Every time you switch wrists, the count starts over.
This exercise shows us just how often we’re wallowing around in negativity. Complaining is always negative. When we’re doing it, we can only attract more things to complain about. The things we’ll smile about aren’t playing on this channel.
Yeah. You’re getting this, I feel it.The Bedtime Journal Exercise
From Heather Noël
Get a journal. It can be anything you want. If you want to key it in, key it in. I like a nice book. Never leather, I don’t want death energy seeping into my pre-sleep moments.
Put this journal, and a wonderful pen that feels good in your hand and glides smooth over the page, near your bed.
Right before you go to sleep, open the journal and list 10 good things that happened that day. Things you saw, heard, enjoyed. Blessings, gifts, miracles. Green lights, open parking spaces, compliments, smiles, or chance encounters. Anything that feels good counts.
As we do this exercise, we’re training our brains to be on the lookout for positive things throughout the day, so we’ll have something to write in our journal that night. And that very shift, the shift into looking for positive things changes our channel. It’s like our antennae begin shifting. We’re pulling in a different signal than we were before, because we are looking for and expecting to find something positive.
THAT is powerful magic.
Let’s Go Deeper
We are not our body. We are not our brain. We are our soul, the life force within us. It is a livestream from the greater non-physical Whole, which some call God, and which I believe to be Consciousness itself.
It is a beam from that Whole, a single silver strand of Consciousness, that is looking out through our eyes, and hearing through our ears. It is tasting the food we eat and feeling exhilaration when we ride a roller coaster. It is experiencing the physical world through our bodies. It is who we truly are. Our innermost being. Our soul
It’s a layer deeper than our personality. The soul wears the personality like a warm, fluffy coat, I think. Personality is our outward-facing part, that moves our bodies around and runs the whole show. It is built from all it has experienced in this lifetime. Whereas our innermost being has been there for all of them.
The point of all that: We are one strand of the Whole, and we return to it when we leave our bodies. We are never apart from that Whole, though. Even here, in our bodies, we are connected. That silver strand is never broken, except when it breaks free of the body at that thing we call death. But from Source, it’s never disconnected.
Use that connection
Now if you’ve got that, consider this. Every other living thing on this planet, and I believe the planet itself, has its own silver beam from that same Source. Consciousness, experiences existence at various levels through various physical hosts; animal, vegetable, and mineral. Through that channel, we have access to all knowledge and experience that has ever been.
With each life that’s lived, Consciousness expands, absorbing all that experience to become more than it was before. It’s insatiable for experience. And by “it” I mean, we. Us. We aren’t just connected to Source, we are Source.
So if we need anything in all of existence to find its way through the web of the universe and into our experience, we can tap into it through our silver strand. Think of it as the spiritual internet. The internet of souls. Not just all living, but all who’ve ever lived, and because we’re eternal, all who ever will live. The spiritual internet connects past, present, and future. Desires create our download queue, and downloads take only an instant of connectivity. Those are times when we silence our minds in meditation.
Putting it together
In natural magic, we combine the force of attraction with the rituals of magic. We choose colors, herbs, oils, stones, even timing that we’ve determined match the wavelength or vibration of our magical goal.
But some forget that they themselves must also match the vibration of the goal. The attitude, the mood, the belief, the expectation must all be in alignment with the having of the goal, not the wanting of it. The having of it.
We adjust our vibration, sometimes with the help of ritual, to align with our desires. When the vibrations match, the desire must manifest.
It is law.
How to change your life
The most powerful changes I’ve made in my life are things that seemed hard until I tried them, and then seemed as easy as breathing. This practice of raising vibration is one of the easiest. But it’s ongoing. We’re never done.
Just lean more toward positive than negative, more toward praising than complaining, more toward hope than worry. Surround yourself with more things that feel good, and fewer things that feel bad. Follow your heart. Follow your bliss. Eat dessert first.
It’s nothing but a new habit, which is the best way to overwrite an old one.
Great exercises!