11:11 - Proof You're Psychic
A lot of people ask what it means when they keep seeing number patterns. Three 3s or 1234 or whatever. But most often, it's 111 or 1111. I've read different theories on this. When my mom was given her terminal diagnosis, she started dreaming about numbers flying toward her, all kinds of numbers. She asked me what I thought it meant, and I told her that one author I'd read believed angels were represented by numerals, and that all her angels were flocking to her side and would help her through this. She took great comfort in that.
But I think this is different, this is people not in a time of particular trouble or strife, going about their daily lives, and just happening to look up at the clock and see 11:11 (or digits that are meaningful to them) multiple times per week.
I've done a little bit of a deep dive on this before, but I have meditated my way down another layer and I thought I'd share what I've found, because it has practical magical applications.
I believe that this phenomenon absolutely proves the existence of our sixth sense.
Proof you're psychic....
So here's how it works. The first time you see 11:11 you get a little thrill. You're like, oh that's so cool. You do a thing, you get a treat. Scientists have trained mice to ring bells, and pigs to press levers, and crows to solve puzzles all to get the treat.
Conscious bodies are very into treats, it turns out.
So we see the 11:11 on the clock, and we get a little treat--the pleasure chemicals bathing our brain, the automatic smile, the tingly rush, even if it's just a little one. And then the next time we see 1111, the serving size of our treat is bigger, because now it's a pattern. Now it must mean something!
Now we have thoroughly activated the 1111 vibration, and we've attuned our vibe to match it. And you know what happens then. When the vibes match, we start seeing the thing everywhere.
That's law of attraction, which is like the law of gravity. It's just how things work. Like attracts like. We're vibing with 1111 we're seeing it everywhere.
But here's the kicker that's a layer deeper. Somehow, you know when those digits are near. You know it, and you turn, and you look, and you see it. You see what I'm saying here? You're psychically knowing when the digits tick to 1111 or whatever your digits are.
See? Proof you're psychic. How else would you know to turn you head and look at just the right time?
More importantly, it's proof that what you pay attention to matters. (She says, as she turns off the news.) What you pay attention to starts showing up in your life. And too, what gives you a little spark of joy will repeat and grow bigger every time you notice it.
What happens with 11:11 could happen with anything else in your life.
How to use your newfound powers
Now you know you're psychic. You know that anything you celebrate will occur over and over, more and more frequently for as long as you pay attention to the joy that it brings.
You always notice 1111 and feel a little thrill, and it seems to happen more and more often, and you psychically know when to look for it. So substitute anything you want for 1111.
Try this experiment. From now on, every time you receive any money at all, even if you find a penny on the sidewalk, get excited. Feel that little 1111 thrill. Be all, "Oh! Money! I'm vibing with money!" The same way you think, "Oh! Eleven-eleven! I'm so in tune!"
This practice will align you with money just the way noticing and celebrating 1111 aligns you with that. And now, just the way you psychically know when and where to turn your attention in order to see your digits, you will psychically know when and where to turn your attention in order to receive an influx of cash.
Same with love. Anytime you receive any love from anyone, human or otherwise, in person or long distance, over the net counts, every time someone shows you fondness, celebrate. Give yourself a high five, and say, "Hell, yes, I'm aligned with love! Bring it on." And it will start popping up all around you.
Same with anything you want.
So let's try this. Pick a desire. On three. Ready?
1, 2, 3
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